
Videos of Research

The very best place to start your understanding of Zionism is here, with this video by David Icke.

You may not agree with a lot of what he says, but that doesn't mean everything he says should be tarnished, because there is something else he says you don't  necessarily understand, haven't  researched or think is pure crazy.

But the things in this about Jews & Zionism is very much true & can be proven, but it's being ignored & covered up behind the protection of the Jewish religion. Because Zionism is said to be carrying out the actions of every single Jew they can say that anyone who attacks them is anti-Semitic & Racist, so know one will take what that person is saying seriously, as it is intended to discredit them in this strange world of "Political Correctness" we live in. This is the likes of why we live in this manner. Because public opinion is being molded with the whole intention of being used as a tool with methods of propaganda & subliminal messages.

He does a great job of exposing them & their tactics.

This is of the up most importance to understand the influence Zionism has within UK politics. Although understanding this, living within any Western government, the system of control of politics doesn't change & the influence is just as powerful in the USA, Australia, Canada, Most of the EU & the very creation of the EU itself, is fundamentally about centralising that control. The main focus is how lobbying groups, donate to certain political leaders, in order for them to have influence, because they give the most money, as if you have the most shares within a company, but also they seem to groom politicians of shorts to shape them to carry out their agenda in the face of ignorance.

David Icke mentions this in the previous video.

A Dispatches program, first broadcast on Channel 4, (Somehow) hosted by Peter Oborne, who does a great job of showing just how this is done & manipulated.

Also how illegal settlements within Israel poses a threat & clear influence because of Capital & is a massive hypocrisy in the face of a democracy & what we are supposed to stand for.

It goes into how this conquered David Cameron (Conservative Party) but also how they back the Labour candidate also, this is how the two party system is a fix. The freedom of choice is an illusion, when a common agenda dominates both & the way the system is set up, allows for only these two parties, to have even a chance, as another Political group it is near impossible as we seen with the likes of UKIP almost 4 Million Votes represented by only 2 seats & is said to be set up this way to stop idiots being voted for as a joke, when the truth of the matter is it crushed competition from even having a chance. And so long as either party is ruling, you're not going to change the system, which might mean you could lose would you?

If you did you could lobby the party which is a joke, just to prove your point that idiots could break the system & be voted for, insuring this system stays in place.

Then it goes onto show a clear bias within the BBC, who fail to report on the actions of Israel, about their war crimes & acts of terror, upon a nation of people.

Because of the likes of this & also the Jimmy Savile scandal, linked to pedophile rings, royalty & also direct to MP's, people have had enough of funding such a people who allow this to happen with their organisation & then go on to show a closed world view, their perception of what they want you to believe & not the full truth. So they have stopped paying their TV licences, which means David Cameron wants to use this opportunity to bring down the BBC, under the pretense of how they made his campaign look, when really it is to reshape & mold it to an even more biased world view, so pretty soon we will be living in the news world of V for Vendetta...

(Please click on the above picture for a short video)

This video shows, the Rothschild Central Banking System domination, from country to country. Shows you what countries the Rothschild's didn't manipulate, or have influence over, in the past few years.

Once you know the ones, you may not be so surprised why wars where needed throughout the Middle East & why tensions are being made with North Korea, as well as propaganda films about the country & leader.

It is a short but important insight into how the Rothschild's infect central banking systems globally, to achieve the very same goal. To make the people of those central banks, forever their slave, including the political class of those countries, then they're molded into an image which can be conquered more easier.

The ones that rebel this totalitarian take over, the west acts as a battering ram & comes in under the disguise of a "Coalition", killing those who don't adapt, or who try to destroy the new system. Including political leaders who haven't been manipulated by this Zionist agenda & try to inform their public of it, who are then made public enemy no.1, considered dangerous & a whole host of propaganda is shown about the person in our media, to justify our wrong doings in the aim of global domination of the Rothschild Zionist Elite & we carry it out for them like sheep being led to slaughter...

This information or video can't be denied because this is what happened & ask anyone, including military veterans, what do you know was gained from the war in Afghanistan & Iraq?

They don't know because their so called "enemy" is still their & nothing has changed, other then the theft of their banking system, the removal of politicians that weren't falling this agenda, destroying of homes, villages, deaths of innocent people & the control of those nations oil supplies. Which until then some Middle Eastern countries began trading in Euros, instead of the international method of the Dollars Aka. "Petrodollar", which if more countries followed, would of damaged the US economy, therefore that debt would be spread over all those nations that are connected via this international method of trading oil, who have large amounts of money invested in the petrodollar. So this had to be stopped in its tracks. 


A truly eye opening documentary from the view of a North Korean.

The smoking gun of information regarding Propaganda, Cover Ups, Deception & Manipulation

Open your eyes. We live in a world where everything is the reverse.

You can be punished & put in prison for speaking the truth in this world of "Political Correctness" gone made, it isn't just an evolutionary thing, this has systematically been pushed, by the molding of public opinion. With the end goal of only further protecting themselves, this is why it is called "Political Correctness" to protect the Politic, as though they're there own race now... This exposes all of this greatly.

All this twisted filth imposed by a satanic Zionism ideology.

Everything you have heard about Hitler & the Nazi's since the end of World War II, is systematically being carried out by these people to this day. That is not to say all the propaganda that has been used against Hitler & the Nazis is true because it isn't. They use all this propaganda especially that surrounding the holocaust, to protect themselves that is why it is important for them to keep this myth alive, to protect the political ideology of Zionism not the Jew, in fact Zionism sold the Jews out, when they where being transferred to Palestine, they started WWII because the Palestine nationalists refused this abrupt mingling & change of life & culture because of this foreign force. (See Enoch Powell,Rivers of Blood) 

The people need to switch on & wake up to what is happening.

We need to end wars and DO NOT GO TO WAR WITH RUSSIA.

We need to turn own lands into a true democracy & pull back from the stranglehold this satanic Zionist ideology has around the throats of it's people.

We are their masters not the other way around remember that.

This greatly explores the Illuminati, which most don't know is a true society that was called "The Order of the Illuminati" but was forced underground, or ceased to exist, when they where found out. They where tightly involved with the Vatican & where said to be trying to overthrow it, with a hidden hand force mixed in between them.

But the most obvious truth to this is these people had more money than the Vatican & because of that they feared them & didn't want the competition so cleared them out & wiped out any outstanding debts.

When they fled & ended up in Scotland is said to have set up the Scottish rite of freemasonry, keeping their secrets at the heart of this. The idea is this, among other secret groups, the head bodies are now all the Illuminati, only succeeded by Bloodline, Born into Blood, family ties. But it appears the "Jew" are the ones with this knowledge & have carried out the ideology of Zionism, with the help of their brothers.

So much so they where behind the creation of the Soviet Union & documents which leaked after the collapse, are shown in this documentary, as well as the next attempt to invade the Vatican & their covert tactics. This why I have included the book of Stanislav Lunev, Through the Eyes of the Enemy>> within this research, to gain his perspective & insights.

When reflecting upon this speech you can see a real sense of Racism. However that is not to deny the fact of what he is saying any less true. Immigration threatens the very way of life for many Nationalists, set in their ways of life & traditions. When you understand Zionism & all of its evil, you can see just from "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" this has been planned out.

You see their plan is to create so much chaos between the mingling of religions, culture & traditions that people will look somewhere for some order & not be able to do this among the chaos between themselves, as naturally the Nationalist wouldn't want a Muslim "Extremist" imposing sharia law to lead the way & the Muslim wouldn't want a Nationalist clutching on to their tradition & culture. A Nationalist would want some sort of stability brought back & what may appear to be a common solution, that is their for our liberation of our Nation will in fact be a one world.

This will not be before all the so called "ISIS, ISIL Islamic State" has made it's way into all of the borders throughout the EU carrying out acts of terror. This is why they're controlling the force of ISIS at the top, because this is needed as a tool to carry out this agenda.

Now what the Russian President Vladimir Putin is doing, is sticking up two fingers to this agenda & exposing them by attacking "Moderate Terrorists" within Syria, that was arranged, equipped & trained by the US to take down President Bashar al-Assad of Syria & his regime. This will no doubt cause fear among the Zionist conspirators carrying out this master plan agenda, which could result in a war with Russia we all need to be aware this is not for the greater good of us but this agenda should it come about.

Also you need to be fully aware that Russia knows this agenda & the tactics of Zionism, the agenda was behind the Soviet Union, but the people retaliated & MOB rule saw them all left through fear of their lives. This meant their documents where leaked exposing this agenda, which can be seen in"History of SECRET SOCIETIES.." & is why I have included this book, Through the Eyes of the Enemy: Russia's Highest Ranking Military Defector, Stanislav Lunev to get an understanding of this from his perspective.

Books of Research

The first book of research to build a solid foundation & understanding of Zionism, should be built on "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", with the understanding that this is the building blocks of Zionism, not the whole Jewish faith, but a cult, divergent, off branch of people who have taken the Jewish religion to mean & represent something else.

Some of which claim to be Jews or may even think they're Jews, but also Zionism allows the permittance of none Jews, in the order of Zionism, to be used to achieve their goals, which is aimed at dominating politics around the globe.

Aka the NWO (New World Order), a single point of government, governing politics for the world.

This book of the protocols shows this specific scenario, in all the forms of Zionism, a very real relation can be made between the two, that shouldn't just be ignored especially if you're a Jew, it should be of the up most importance to see this manipulation & deceit for what it is & not to just simply ignore it.

Alison Weir is the president of the Council for the National Interest and executive director of If Americans Knew, a think tank that provides information on Israel-Palestine and the American connection. She is a former journalist.

This book explains a lot of he relationship between the US, Zionism, & how they became involved over Palestine & the state of Israel.

Here are key points: 

* The growth of Zionism in the USA from the late 19th Century and how it became a largely secret movement, working both outside and within the Governmental apparatus

* How the Balfour Declaration was largely fashioned to get the Zionist movement to persuade Woodrow Wilson's government to enter the First World War.

* That there is substantial evidence that Harry Truman secured his famous win-from-behind in the 1948 Presidential election by supporting the partition of Palestine, at the behest of Zionists

* That there was large-scale US pro-Israel pressure on UN General Assembly members in the run up to the November 29th, 1947, vote on partition. Weir specifically mentions pressure on France, Liberia, Philippines, Haiti and on Latin American countries expecting the benefits of the Pan-American highway that was currently under construction.

* That notwithstanding all this, a long list of distinguished Americans opposed Zionism, in the same way they opposed European colonialism and other forms of racially exclusive endeavours, but were outmaneuvered and outgunned by the mighty and coordinated movement that has become today's AIPAC.

Notably the King-Crane commissioners of 1919 reported that "the Zionists looked forward to a practically complete dispossession of the present non-Jewish inhabitants of Palestine" and recommended that the project for making Palestine distinctly a Jewish commonwealth should be given up.

Apart from this, Weir cites a long list of high placed opponents such as Secretary of State Philander Knox (in 1912), George C. Marshall (Truman's Secretary of State), the CIA, the National Security Council, Joint Chiefs of Staff, and numerous prominent Christian leaders.

* That Israel and its supporters used questionable tactics to persuade for Jewish people to migrate to Palestine like: provoking "anti-Semitic" incidents, including fake "hate" attacks on Jews in Iraq; attempting to exploit the rise of Nazism to the same conquered; sabotaging efforts to find other safe havens for Jewish refugees, and; pressure on Jews in post-WWII refugee camps, from confiscation of food rations to one case of a public flogging.

* Of the career and character assassination of Dorothy Thompson, the first journalist to be expelled, but who later dared speak up about the ills of Zionism.


VOLUME 1 of 2 / 300 PAGES / 700 IMAGES


From the days of the American Revolution, to the Jacobin French Revolution, to the coalition wars against Napoleon, to Andrew Jackson’s war on the Central Bank, to Karl Marx’s war on sanity, to the U.S. Civil War, to the Reds’ shocking wave of 19th century assassinations, to the conspiratorial founding of the Federal Reserve, to the horrific First World War to enslave Germany, to the Rothschild-Communist subversion of Russia's Czar, to the horrible World War against Hitler and Japan, to the Cold War, to the JFK assassination, to the "women's movement" to the Global Warming Hoax, to the "fall of communism", to the 9/11 attacks & the "War On Terror", and finally, to the looming confrontation with Russia and China - the common thread of the New World Order crime gang links all of these events together. At the heart of this self-perpetuating network sits the legendary House of Rothschild – the true owners of ‘Planet Rothschild’. Though an alliance with other billionaire families, universities, corporations, think tanks and media moguls worldwide; the cabal has, for 250 years, manipulated world events and political players like so many pawns on a global chessboard. Now, you can earn your 'Phd' in NWO studies by reading the epic two-volume timeline thriller - PLANET ROTHSCHILD. It is a unique "blurb by blurb" chronological and photographical review that will enrich your depth of historical knowledge like no other work of its kind. 


Grand Deceptions is a short, concise study of Israeli involvement in the 9/11 attacks, Zionist influence over US foreign policy (particularly the central role of pro-Israel neoconservatives in dragging the US into the war in Iraq), the fraud of the post-9/11 "war on terror," and other Zionist political intrigues in the 20th and 21st centuries.

This book explores the role of Zionists in helping foment World Wars I and II as a means of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, the extensive collusion between Nazis and Zionists, the hidden history of bloody Bolshevism, and the fabrications and distortions of official World War II historiography, designed to advance the victors' post-war agenda of re-shaping Europe and the Middle East.

Stanislav Lunev fled from persecution of the Zionist regime of the Soviet Union, so any insights from him will be biased for sure, but understanding some of this helps show why America is so paranoid about Russia now. Because they exposed the same agenda which now occupy's most of the West's politics & Russia are fully aware of their manipulation.

The tables have turned, or carrier has changed, where as before an agenda seemed active of Russia provoking the US, or trying to take over politicians by force. But now the US seem to be the ones causing tensions with Russia because they know the agenda & are a big problem.

The big idea is to destroy the capitalist banking system, leaving nothing but a Socialist people, to rebuild it a Communist regime, so China's system is already set up, but the two would probably not want to coexist so it will end in a battle of the two evils most probably a long slow process of manipulation & deception until one side rebels.

All for the sake of the agenda of the few wanting to control the many, while they make the nationalist public, fight meaningless battles of race between immigrants & home grown next generation immigrants, only to then later once again use it to their own advantage when people start noticing, many Jews seem to occupy politics?

Then when this is exposed & many not understanding the how or the why of it, those people will be dragged through the mud, with the very racism laws, they have helped conjure up, so you will be deemed at anti-Semite & be under the rule of even more "Political Correctness" enforcing the Socialist system even further, before the great fall of Capitalist bankers, which will go on to create the NWO & a remolded Communist regime.

This booklet obviously goes very well along side the Rivers of Blood speech<<.

It really shows the truth about what Enoch Powell was saying, even though he may very well have had a perspective as a Racist, an older generation, this doesn't mean there is no justification for what he says, it certainly is not a point of ignorance, which is when racism should be racism. When you target a group out of hatred, not when you tell the ugly truth about a group who are of a different race. To ignore their wrong doings because of their race would be ignorant. That's how this "Political Correctness" had gone way to far, to the point where you're being stopped & surpressed from saying what you see, because you don't want that to imply you as being a racist, just from speaking the truth.

This compares segments of religious texts, all claiming they're the ones choose by G-d to rule the world & the very notion of people, as we would call "Extremists", of those very different religious groups being forced to occupy the same territory, along side the national, who is set in his was, tradition & culture, its very mean of mixing all these people is to create chaos. Then when these people are arguing among themselves, they can advance their agenda their "NWO", "One World Government", so we are very much in the advanced Orwellian state. 

Those who move in small numbers to another land who prefer that culture, such as a Muslim leaving the Middle East, to go to the UK, should not be misinterpreted. That is not what this is about. It is about those who wish to change the very way of life of wherever they live, as well as those around them having to adhere to this, which is wrong & shouldn't be allowed to happen. As this undoubtedly creates tensions between the homegrown nationalist & the invasion of outside forces.

This is not Racism, it is a clear observation of fact & other people know this & want to create this chaos of culture & religion, it is not about all being one & getting along in multicultural cities. For those who can practice their religion & adapt it to a western life style, without wanting those around them to adhere to it is fine. But the very foundation of this, is to cause trouble between those "Extremist" groups & the national.

This is written about in "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion",  so if these things are faked & not being carried out, why is this happening & why is Enoch Powell being proven wright, if all of this isn't a preplanned agenda, which is unfolding even quicker by the destruction of Middle Eastern countries?

You can see these things happening which can't be denied. You only have to look at the Charlie Hebdo case, to see what I'm talking about. Freedoms of the national should not be taken away because of a foreign regime & when they're you have to question why this is happening?

Sure it may not be nice to some people, everyone is offended by something, but we can not go adhering to "Extremist" views to impair the nationalist. If they don't like it & the way of life of a national, then they shouldn't be here, or be prepared to accept other peoples views & get on with their lives & if they believe others to be ignorant, that's their problem not yours, keep calm & carry on.

Listen to this with Zionism in Mind!

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Knowledge is Power, Information is valuable.

None of this information I am providing, am I charging for at all & this is a lot of research, as I want this information to be available to anyone who wishes to research this subject.

As to find the work like this to study out right, I know myself is a very obscure thing & you have to do some digging & filling in of blanks with other pieces of information, which are not directly related with Zionism itself, but you can see where they had influence within that subject.

For instance, one thing I found very fascinating myself is, if you study Zionism & look over David Irvin's books, which provides a different, more reliable version of history, which isn't manipulated by an agenda of the establishment. 

As Zionism spans the times of both World Wars, which they had a lot of influence in & gained a lot from it. So when you bring the two together you get a lot more from Irving's books & a lot of things start to make more sense.